I'll share a personal story about setting intention. Running Division I cross country and track can often become a rat race. The idea of more and faster is better can become your mantra easily. It became my mantra. I "pressed" every run and workout thinking that the more I did and the harder I did it the better I would be. Second semester of my freshman year we recruited a new distance runner to be on our team, Katie Van Horn. When she first started, she could not keep up with us on our "easy" days. She would simply run her pace off the back of the pack without forcing herself to keep up. While I continued to "press" and develop injuries left and right, she methodically got into fantastic shape. What we all started to learn about Katie, is that she got it. She understood setting an intention. She was given a task and she executed it because of her awareness and intention. Soon, we started to catch on and we stopped "pressing". She elevated everyone's workout with her ability to be intentional about what she was doing. Katie introduced us to a calm confidence that really transformed the team's and my own running mantra.
Moral of the story is run with intention. Know why you are doing what you are doing and bring it to mind before you take a step. The run will be more rewarding physically and mentally.